Archive for August, 2008


Allergies Cause Creativitiy?

August 27, 2008

We celebrated Kyle’s 16th birthday on Sunday. With a birthday there must be cake, right? Well, therein lies the problem. Sarah has developed a soy allergy and almost everything processed contains soy. Kyle wanted a chocolate chip cookie cake, so I decided I would make one. Yes, I work in a bakery, but I only bake…I don’t decorate, except to occasionally write something on a cake if a customer wants it in the middle of the night. Although his birthday was actually on Saturday, we decided we would celebrate it on Sunday, as I didn’t have to work Sunday night. I got home from work Sunday morning and started the cake. I had searched all over for chocolate chips without soy, all to no avail. I settled on the ONLY chocolate bar I could find without soy…all 3.5 ounces of it for $4.19! Yeah, this cookie cake wasn’t super chocolaty! Anyway…after Erin and I baked the cookie, we made homemade butter cream frosting, as the ready made, store bought, contains soy. We colored it and set about decorating our yummy looking creation.

Here is the finished product…

Everyone thought it tasted quite yummy. I personally thought it was better than any store bought one I have had, but my opinion might be a little biased…